My Weekend
A lot of people have discussed drinking during the weekend. They have shared their stories and remembered the good times. I know that Day, Kween and my wife talked about the weekend drink but I wanted to do it w/ a little twist.... So hopefully you enjoy this and by no means are any of these characters real, they are ficticious and any resembalance to anyone you know is just coincidence....
How many people have told you what it's like to wake up and be at the bar by 10 a.m.
Remember the movie Identity....imagine us caught in a savage cold front(wind chill ridiculous in baltimore), seven friends are forced to seek out refuge at a bar at 10'oclock in the morning. They soon realize they've found anything but a bar..they found B.J. Mallards. Usually on saturday morning,Mallards is empty maybe one or two people locked in the bar with only one unthinkable way out,to drink...but this time there are seven. Seven friends -- unaware of their true connection(besides the six degrees of seperation) to each other -- forced to play out a game that challenges their wits and puts their lives in jeopardy.(only when driving home)
There is a abundance of liquor among them and, one by one, they get plastered. Flash back scene of the drinks.....
First Kick Rock Bitch, takes a shot of tequila,(mind you at 10'oclock in the morning)by 10:25 she tells the world how much she loves "each and everyone of you"

Hennessey is a lovely drink, throws down Hennessey like Vince Carter ,

I fell butterflys doesn't care what she drinks as long as it's liquid and in a glass..."Bar tender give me another"

Mr."Ohhh, I know I've been change" sits down and gets himself a Corona and a shot of Belvi...and we aren't talking about the housekeeper
Why do my breast touch like this had a Jack and Coke, true to herself and all others that are apart of the Jack Daniels cult…
The girl who likes skinny guys had a Malibu and Pineapple, which is a good. Last time she had a pineapple it had chocolate on it and let me tell you it wasn't good.

Lastly Mr. 7 Jack and Cokes later,what else can I say it was so hard not being drunk, but I was surely a barrel of laughs…….
As the drinks rage on and the glasses begin to outnumber the people at the bar, the one thing becomes clear: Each of them was drawn to the bar, not by accident or circumstance, but by forces beyond imagination, forces that promise anyone who survives a mind-and body binging destiny....
That's all I have to captivate your attention...but after the bar the rest is really a wrap...many of us went straight to sleep, then others of us fell asleep later in the day... But not one of us was able to wake up in time to do anything for the night..But one thing is for sure, after that Cold Febuary Morning Mallards and those friends will never be the same……that's until we go again…...whenever that is
AMEN.. Hennessy is a LOVELY drink! LMAO @ "Kick Rocks Bitch!"
i thought the pics would had a little to the kween Do you kick rocks?
lol @ the I feel butterflies chick...GTL this was great, I loved go Kick Rocks
GTL and DAY please update y'alls time on your blogs to east coast time :-D
Kick Rocks dammit!!!!! LOL!!!
Why do my breasts/nipples touch on a tilt?
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