Valentine's Day....Is it really today?

There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.
Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailers daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine.
Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers.
Now that Valentines day has evolved over the years, many consider Valentine's Day as another way for greeting card companies, florists and chocolate makers to make a quick dollar, another excuse to get the gullible public to spend. However others see it as an excuse to be romantic.. In the rush of contemporary society romance takes a back seat and Valentine's Day is the one day of the year for the emotions of love to have free reign.
Hence Valentine's Day has become a symbol of romance and as such is used to inspire romantic expression.
I think Valentine's Day is a great holiday...Not really....It's all a bunch of bull...(don't get me wrong, TTD will have a Valentine's Gift)It's the one time of year when we are suppose to be extra special or show our true feelings for the person we are with, but what happened to the other 364 days (365 +1 for leap yr) when we are w/ the person we love.
On this particular day the world says that, "We are suppose to give each other a little bit more or treat each other a little bit better on Valentine's Day." If we are in a relationship I'm not only suppose to do things on Valentine's Day but on every other day too. In my opinion, once you get older Valentines Day loses it's allure, it's appeal....It doesn't have the same genesequa that it use to have.
See people view this day as something special, but everyday that I spend w/ my woman I think is special. I shouldn't wait until Valentine's Day to take her to dinner or to buy her flowers... I shouldn't need the world or a special day in order for me to let my lady know how I feel or how special she is to me. If I need a day to do that, in my mind it means that I'm not doing what I'm suppose to do. Once again, understand that I'm not down playing Valentine's Day, b/c I want a happy home and I definitely plan on doing something nice for my lady. But, I don't want Valentine's Day to be the only day, I decide to do something nice for her throughout the year. I don't want Valentine's Day to be a day that she feels, will be the only day of the year where I will truly do something special for her.
Sorry chief, not in my home. I need the woman, to know that her man will please her on any given day....And I'm not talking just pleasing, physically no, b/c it you wait until Valentine's Day to please your mate then something is wrong w/ you relationship that's way deeper than this...But mentally,emotionally, spiritually I want her to know that I aim to please not only on this day but everyday of the year.
Valentine's Day is the "hype" it's not what it's suppose to be. But since it is Valentines Day let me leave you w/ these few choice words...If you love someone let them know as often as you can. Sometimes we forget that what it took to get that person is the something it takes to keep that person. We tend to slack off once we get the person we are courting. If you write love notes or poems, continue to do that for you mate...If you call them to tell them you love them in the middle of the day, then keep doing that...Nothing makes someone feel better than to know that they are loved by someone else. Love, amour, Valentine, whatever you may call this day, be sure the moment last longer than a day...
yeah yeah yeah I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY :-D
whoa, i see you canged your picture...i feel like your looking up my nose...LOL...
i hear u w/ the SAT words :o) very well written.. but i dont want u to get me something just to keep the peace.. i told you.. a card to let me know that you didnt forget would suffice.. i dont ask for much
yay! love it! :)
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