
I haven't posted since the scientific experiment, so I wanted to fill you in on how the weekend went for me.....
Lets start w/ Friday b/c Thursday wasn't a good day for my wife...see her post http://itrynot2care.blogspot.com/
But back to Friday for those that do not know, the wife and I had our first shindig at the new spot and what a shindig it turned out to be. We had roughly around 28-30 people at the apt.
Food b/c it was the first party we decided to feed everyone. We had Hell Hot Wings, Meatballs, Celery sticks, Potato salad, Spaghetti and chips. And when I say we had plenty of food that is probable a understatement. But I must admit no body complain about not getting any. If you didn't get any food at our place you just chose not to eat...Sh*t we still have food left over...anybody want some...LOL
Before I get too deep in the story, this http://www.DarwinAward.com goes to one of my homie who was at the party. She was an early arrival and decided to start drinking as soon as she got there. But her drink of chose kind of threw me for a loop, not b/c of what it was but b/c of how she drank it. She wanted Smirnoff Vodka straight so she had a cup for that. She said she wanted a chaser, so she got....you ready for this Fruit bunch...but w/ a double shot of Vodka in it...Em excuse me if I'm wrong, but i don't think you chase alchol w/ more alcohol, especially if its the same alcohol.
But back to the party, so it was suppose to start at 7pm but you know how we get down. So I would say around 10-10:30pm we started to pack the apartment, and trust me when the people came the drinks began to flow....Plus w/ the selection we had how could they not....Jack Daniels, 2 Smirnoff Vodka, E&J, Bacardi, 3 bottles of Hennessey, Long Island Ice Tea, Evan Williams, Coors Light, Jose Cuervo and 3 bottles of wine.
For any party you may have the drink list I just went through would have any party people ready to laugh it up. I would say from 10-2am the party was full and nobody left the entire time. We had this rule that throughout the night anyone who said, "I drink, you drink, we all drink except for Ricky" everyone in the room would drink except for Ricky for 10min. You never really understand how bad people want to drink until you play that game. I guess its the feeling of being left out.
People didn't start leaving unitl 2am and even then the party was still packed. With the food laughter and games. My neighbor had to come over and ask me to turn down the music b/c it was so late...better yet a friend who lives in the same complex called and said she could her the party from her house....(oh yeah Old School)

Things that were remembered at the party......One of my friends tried to open the door and missed the door knob completely and then he wanted to fight us b/c we wouldn't allow him to drive home. But luckily it didn't come to that and we got him a ride, so he was straight although he was ridiculously late for work the next day from what i hear.
Also some people when they are drunk try extra hard to talk to someone they dealt w/ in the past to see if they can get some, no strings attached sex.
My homeboy got cussed out by two different females who for a lack of words couldn't hold back their emotions on how hey feel about him when he says "hello". Thank goodness, he respects me enough not to sh*t on them b/c it would have gotten ugly.
Another thing I noticed is that people will make there way across town to stay for 10min and then leave b/c the have a addiction.(don't ask how I know) We realized that large parties are a great place to play Questions, "Don't I know your Baby's Mother?" But regardless of the situation some people come out just to be anti-social.(why come out at all) Lastly after a lot of drinks people just want to go home and pass out...

When are we doing it again, who knows, but if so just make sure your there...until the next party
Sounds like you guys know how to throw a party.
I had a ball :-D
funny, I am looking at your links and notice the "tired of being nice" one...and thought to myself, was that nigga ever nice...survey saids probably not...inconsiderate bastard
hey we will not have any of that on this blog kween, all blows above the belt....LOL
Sorry...that's my nature (under this name, lol)
I'll be reserved
you are saying the things you say out of anger, and for no other reason...."Trouble don't last always"
LOL... great post.. wish I woulda seen it yesterday when you posted it!
Dang, ya'll know how to throw a party..my kind of shindig
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