Computer Love

A friend who will remain nameless has told me she found that her boyfriend had a myspace acct. and had actually made a few friends online.(no big deal right) In discovering her boyfriends acct. (this is key, don't search for things b/c you may find something you don't want too) she found her boyfriend had made several different (female)friends on the acct. I personally didn't see anything wrong w/ it at first b/c online communication is wonderful for many people. It can provide easy access to friendship and support for the physically less-abled, the elderly, carers, and those living in remote locations, it also passes time at work.
the online accts are also places where people who struggle with shyness or low self-esteem, get the opportunity to build confidence and social skills in a non-threatening environment. But for others, this same accessibility has created problems.
When she was digging and following some of the contacts he had made she found he had made plans w/ a few of them and also had met up w/ a couple of them. This was disturbing to her b/c he hadn' mentioned anything about his new found friends. Now it was kind of intriguing to me b/c she stated they were going through something but nothing serious.
She said she felt betrayed b/c she didn't know what kind of things he may have discussed w/ these other people or what kind of relationship they have. She isn't sure whether they are just friends or whether it has developed into something more. (yeah she is naive)
I'm sure that for those who feel lonely or isolated in their relationship, the web is somewhere they can find a comforting ear. But isn't that why a lot of people use myspace and friendster, to make new friends. Whatever the reasons for being unhappy, the internet can become a tempting distraction from the heartache and hassle of tackling relationship problems.
(my tangent)
Hell, I know a couple of my friends, who have actually dated online people they've met, not that, those dates have developed into anything but they've done it. Now at the time they weren't in a relationship, so no harm no foul.
But meeting with others online or in person, often makes things worse. In talking to her I can tell she feels resentful of the amount of time spent online when they could be spending time together. And the more time you spend chatting, laughing, and sharing your problems with someone other than your partner, the further apart you're likely to feel from them. In speaking w/ her she feels isolated b/c he isn't sharing information w/ her and she is now on the outside looking in.
I asked her, if she had confronted him about how she feels about the acct and she said no...(she looking to be hurt) She is trying to justify his behaviour, saying it's not really anything serious, just conversation. "He never really had a lot of friends growing up." But I think that any intimate activity between two people that breaches the trust of a partner is cheating.(you hook up and meet) And that most certainly includes online relationships.
I told her the best thing she could do is confront her boyfriend and explain to him how she feels. Any comments on what else I should tell her to do????
hump..well Im not a good one to ask this but ..since you asked..
she should create a fake account 0 fake pic all that - and contact him - see what the converstation is like determine if he is looking for something outside friendship..
of course if he has met up with these women he probably is looking for more..
that's what I thought but I didn't want to be the burden of bad news...if it looks and smells like shit...then it probable is...LOL
yeah the fake account thing is was i was thinking too...but it depends on how much she what to invest in to finding out whatever when it could be something she may already know
confronting him means admitting that she's nosy and insecure.
if she chooses that route she needs to explain why she's insecure and try to find out from him why he feels the need to go outside the relationship for female companionship.
regarding the fake account ... I would never go to those lengths to set somebody up. come on, if the right bait is dangled any fish will bite. my personal opinion is that home boy is looking for some dip on the side and home girl needs to stop making excuses for him.
Hi - thanks for the comment you left me last week :)
Funny, the ex I wrote about is someone I met on myspace as well...I found out yesterday he put up a new account again...Guess he's on the prowl again too.
Thanks again :)
he's cheating. As someone who has been online and met folks (BP), then it's like meeting them out on the street. Now, I've had a couple dudes say I was attractive and had nice smile--but that was it. They stated they had a girlfriend. I've never met them. He's meeting these women (I hope for a game of Spades or Parchessee). Anything more, then he's trying to get to know these women on an intimate level b/c he's probably telling them intimate things. BOOYAH!!!!!
she needs to confront dude.. and depending on the response go from there.. but if she's feeling insecure about the relationship.. there's a reason behind it.. she knows something's up & if there's a hunch, then usually it's right
Im withe ME i would set up a fake acct and befriend him and ask him if he has a girl then kick it with him and ask to meet him then BOOM...but if she aint gonna leave him after all of that, then wha'ts the point?
Although I tend not to like decieving people...desperate times call for desperate measures..I agree with me.
However he probably knows the same thing she knows that what they have together isn't serious so it wouldn't hurt if he is talking to other women....of course he's gonna try to make it her fault by saying she was nosy and that if she did create the false account that she was playing games how come she just didn't come to him....difficult decision to make
I don't think she should go through the extreme of setting up a dummy acct. I think she should just approach him and let him know what and how she feels.
All that being deceitful is what got them where they are now. If she confronts him and he pauses like most men he will probable pause and then come up w/ a answer..."survey says he is lying"
But she will never know unless she approaches him and is honest about her feelings...
I think she should just confront him and put the cards on the is what it is, her man proable is playing games and testing the waters.
She is just trying to cover up what she already knows is happening....Just say something b/c if she doesn't she will just continue to second guess anything that he does or says and you can't have a relationship like that
bottom...get over it or get over him...
rofl 2 ME.
Best regards from NY! » » »
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