Do I owe you

Keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs...I read a post that talked about procrastination. People wonder why they don't have or why things have not been given to them. Let me ask you this, do you feel that you are entitled to riches w/o work? Do you believe society owes you?
In my opinion a lot of us go through life complaining, pointing the finger and blaming everything and everyone but our self – blaming the economy, the government, our up bringing, not having a degree or our current financial situation, etc, etc
I read another blog that was thoroughly well written and thought provoking. I didn't agree w/ what was said but I understood the point of view.
It stated that they understood the drug hustle, and they could understand why they do what they do...I can't, because the people that hustle and the hoods they grew up in are family. They had opportunities to do other things and didn't. They chose the path they wanted and are dealing w/ the cards that were dealt. But it's not just hustlers or ghetto's it's people in general who feel that they are owed or deserve hand outs. (i believe in help not hand outs)
Why do I say these things. I say these things b/c, what some people have failed to realize is that the very things we complain about as obstacles to progress are within our reach to change. That ability resides within us and is also determined by the activities in which we engage.
If you choose to blame your family background or your current financial situation, permit me to disappoint you; The majority of the world’s wealthiest individuals came from a broke, busted and bewildered (spellcheck) background.
Some people blame it on lack of education, but I that it is equally wrong to blame your inability to achieve in life on not having a formal education. Formal education emphasizes so much on passing and success that even one failure appears to be an end to any dream. Fortunately, the real world does not operate that way. And those that know that secret have put it to use and gone beyond numerous failures, as perceived by others, to achieve unimaginable success in life.
Nobody ever said the journey wouldn't be difficult or hard, in all reality, its the person who struggles, who fights that makes in life. They were driven by desire and ambition and a never-say-die mentality, no matter the odds against them.
Things are and never have been ideal but it's good enough for us to act in our desired direction. We must and then make modifications to our plans and goals and by which we will get along and begin to make progress.
This blog article is my opinion and is aimed at giving you my point of view that those who have the wrong belief that their heart’s desires and dreams can only be obtained once conditions are right or if conditions had been right.
How wrong they are?
As said earlier, it is within everyone's power to create those conditions and it begins with your dreams and aspirations and your ability to believe that nothing except death can prevent those dreams from reaching fruition as long as you never give up.
In essence, the world owes you nothing (well at least in my opinion) and you must begin to act in ways that would guarantee and create your own success in life. It is within your reach because others have done it before you and many more who know will continue to do it.

nice.. now read mine :o)
Well put. I agree. The only one that owes me anything is ME. I owe it to myself to succeed. I get so frustrated when (our) people blame their own failures and missteps on outside forces.
It's true that the road may be easier for others because they have easier access to information. That just means that we have to work harder. No one promised that this life would be easy and if they did -- they lied.
I prefer the challenge. Anything worth having is worth fighting for and achieving it. I've been through a lot in my lifetime and I'm not saying "I've made it" but I've come a long way from where I was. No one gave me a thing and I appreciate all that I do have because I worked so hard for it.
I loved this post.
thanks for the comments both of you.
I agree anything worth having you have to struggle for, b/c after the blood, sweat and tears you can look back and be proud of the work you put in to get where you are...
First of all--what an amazing writer you are. Very well said. I actually needed to hear this today. Very encouraging words. I totally agree with you that your background has nothing to do with how you handle your future goals. A lot of blame is put upon a 'bad past' or a family member.
I think once we or "they" begin to realize that there is another option; there's another path that you can take, it'll be clearer.
Great post! I need to link you asap! Thanks for the great read!
thanks deb, I appreciate the comment and the compliment
Well said! You are so on point with this, I wish I could just print this up on a flyer and hand it out on the street.
its crazy how you and me kinda have the same post and all of ur readers agree w/ u.. but there are a few of mind that totally disagree.. I wonder if they read yours as well.. what they would have to say...
you should encourage them to read my post...LOL
great post, but i think this message is known by the folk here reading it (for the most part).
if this found its way into the community where the lack of empowerment has created the situations you speak of, then it'd be an even better post.
This was excellent.
I will be the lone voice of opposition because I think if people look back on their lives there was someone who helped them, took an interest in their lives, or career, supported them even if it was just emotionally. There is no way I would be where I am now if I did not have family support (my parents paid for my education). If someone hadn't given me a chance (my first boss took me under her wing and really showed me the ropes) and the other people who have mentored me. Maybe nobody owes me anything, but I did get help and so do most successful people. I don't think the majority of people do it on their own. Yes you definitely have to motivate yourself and work hard, but I disagree that you can achieve a real level of success alone and with no help.
I agree w/ you Miz JJ but we are talking about hand outs. We are talking about people who try are too lazy to attempt to do something for them selves. People who just assume they are entitled to something just b/c.
I got help, but I asked for it. I didn't just wait and see what happened or give up and expect for someone to hold my hand.
People want the easy way out, and don't want to put in the work, but they want the benefits. And if not they complain on how the odds are stacked against them. All they have too do is play the cards they are dealt and they could make a better way for themselves....
i think there are lazy folk out there. are the majority of the lazy folk living in the ghetto? i don't think so.
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beautifully written and love the art work
Hey, I came over via Insanelysane.
Let me start by asking a simple question, how many choices can you make if you aren't aware of the choices available for you to make?
See the problem with your argument, although well written, starts with the assumption that there is an equality of knowledge, and that knowledge once known is easily appliable regardless of social pressure to do other things.
Let me toss out something else. Would you say the slaves in the old days had an excuse for being illiterate being that the master wouldn't allow them to learn to read?
If you say yes, then what about Frederick Douglas who taught himself to read by stealing magazines?
Wouldn't you also have to say that if Frederick Douglas could do it, the other slave could do it, therefore, like the young brothers and sisters stuck in the hood today, those slaves were without excuse?
I taught a wealth building class the other day for habitat for humanity mostly brothers and sisters in the mid twenties or so. I asked the question as to how many of their fathers talked with them about the stock market, investing, retirement savings, etc. Not a hand went up, including mine.
See knowledge is transmuted not just through books, but more powerfully through our informal social learning, where essentially we evolve into the images that we see. Unless something OUTSIDE of our normal daily life changes the way we view our situation INSIDE sociology, and psychology says we are most likely to repeat the pattern we see.
That is why people born poor are more likely to remain poor, people born middle class are more likely to remain middle class etc. unless some outside force helps them go a different direction.
So when we start talking about who owes whom what, and who is responsible for what, we also must ask who was responsible for changing our perception of ourselves to make us better, and who died before us to give us this American opportunity.
See it is not so much about us telling folks not to make excuses, but us sacrificing our time, energy and attention to be an outside force to show people how to overcome their situation.
The world may owe you nothing, but you owe the blood of those who died and sacrificed to get you to this point everything.
I agree that if you work hard and don't excpect a hand out then you will be satisfied about making it. I am not proud of this but at one point in my life I was a welfare mother. After receiving assistance for a few months I had become dependent on it. Then I woke up and realized that this is not what I want for my life nor my daughter's lives. I made a concerted effort to improve their standard of living because it was important to me. It has been many, many years since I have been on assistance but I understand how some people feel that they are supposed to get something for nothing.
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What you say is interesting. There is probably a spiritual component to success, the held visiona nd cultivated optimism, but there is more to it as well.
The only place money comes from is from other people. Most of them for some reason wan you to work and make lots of it for them, and they keep more of it by not paying it to you. That relationship is a kind of bureaucratic slavery. You may do better. You may move up, provided you are allowed to.
The only freedom is in in ownership, or entreprenneurship, self employment, or cooperative employment.
Sorry to rain of all the opyimism and rhetoric. Take it from one who works hard, went to school, has been an entreprenneur and a wage slave.
Its more than attitude or hard work or dumb luck.
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